Saint Stephen, revered as the first Christian martyr and one of the initial deacons of the Christian Church, was martyred around 35 AD in Jerusalem. His story, encapsulated in Acts Chapters 6 and 7, is a poignant narrative in the annals of Christian martyrs.

Stephen, a Jew with a Greek name meaning “crown,” likely had exposure to Hellenistic culture outside Palestine. Details of his conversion to Christianity post-Christ’s death are unknown, but he soon emerged as a key figure among Jerusalem’s Christians, particularly influencing Greek-speaking residents.

Stephen first appears in the scriptures as one of seven men appointed to oversee the distribution of food and aid, a common practice among early Christians who shared their resources. Alongside Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicholas, Stephen was ordained by the Apostles for this role. These men, later known as deacons (from the Greek word for ‘to minister’), were tasked with managing charitable and minor religious duties.

Renowned for his faith and spirit, Stephen began speaking publicly with increased fervor, performing wonders and engaging in theological debates, especially with Jewish priests who had converted to Christianity but clung to Mosaic law. Stephen argued that Jesus Christ had superseded this old law, emphasizing the spirit of faith over external rituals and even questioning the sanctity of the Temple—a stance that led to significant controversy.

His teachings, often distorted through rumors, provoked hostility, particularly in a synagogue that included Cyrenians, Alexandrians, Cilicians, and Asians. Accused of blasphemy against Moses and God, Stephen faced trial before the Sanhedrin, the highest Jewish court. Despite a defense that traced the spiritual history of his people, his speech turned into a condemnation of the court, leading to an outburst of fury.

Convicted of blasphemy, Stephen was taken out of the city and stoned to death, a lawful punishment for his alleged crime. In his final moments, he remained steadfast, praying for his spirit and for forgiveness for his persecutors. His martyrdom was witnessed by Saul, later known as Paul the Apostle, whose conversion to Christianity followed shortly after.

Stephen’s legacy is a testament to unwavering faith and the power of forgiveness, even in the face of persecution and death.

Editorial credit: godongphoto /
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  1. Lord thank you for my family and granting me the wisdom to protect them to the best of my abilities today, I was not always so focused and appreciate your guidance. Please grant my family peace and unity through these trying times and watch over them for me. Grant me the strength and serenity to forge ahead in your name. Amen.

  2. Stephen, Stephen, I say:
    here is a place for goodness, here is a time for mercy,
    here at least is an opportunity to show charity!
    For I stand continually in danger
    although I do not always recognise this,
    and I am the more miserable and wretched
    when I forget that it is so.

    For God always sees my sins,
    always his severe judgment threatens
    the sinfulness of my soul,
    always hell gapes and its torments are ready
    to snatch my wretched soul away to that place.

    Thus am I placed when I wake, thus when I sleep;
    I am thus when I smile, thus when I jest;
    thus when I am proud, thus when I am humiliated;
    thus when angry, thus when vindicated;
    thus, thus I am when I miserably love
    the delights of the flesh.
    Thus am I then always and everywhere.

    So I pray you, Stephen, make haste
    before I am condemned,
    before the enemies of the human race
    snatch me away to torment,
    before the prison of hell swallows me up,
    before the torments of eternal fire consume me.

    Truly my need is great
    when it impels me to ask for help
    even of those by whom I deserve to be punished.
    But you and all the saints are so full of such wealth
    from the unending fount of all goodness,
    that you delight rather to free by your goodness
    those whom by justice you are able to condemn.

    (Author: St Anselm)

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