What kind of parish are you seeking? Many times people shop for parishes the way they would shop for a new car or a health club. What does a particular car offer in terms of features? What will a club cost in terms of monthly payments and benefits? When it comes to parishes, people are looking for places that “are alive” and not “dead feeling.” But what is the greatest factor to consider when determining if a parish is “alive” or “dead?” Jesus teaches us that “keeping his word” (John 8:51) is what creates an atmosphere of life. It is obedience to his teaching that results in eternal life. Those who obey his word will never see death.

Mere activity in your life or in the life of your parish does not necessarily equate to life everlasting anymore than mere activity in an orchestra results in Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5. The only way that the symphony can truly be successful is if each member is focused on obeying the conductor and carry out each note of the score.  True, there are many different people in the parish with many different roles, but if we understand the Church correctly there is one conductor and one grand song.

An amazing parish is one whose members are focused not on doing “my own song” (will) but on doing “His song” (will). Obedience to what Jesus has taught is the spiritual brick and mortar to a thriving parish.

Two thousand years before Christ, God reminded Abraham that God’s master plan is big and would transcend generations. The key to the success of Abraham and his descendants in God’s eyes wasn’t mere activity but keeping God’s covenant.

A beautiful, attractive and vibrant parish is one where God’s will is taught, celebrated and lived with enthusiasm. That kind of parish will never see death, but will abound in fruit and become a haven for those looking for eternal life.

Jeff Cavins is recognized both nationally and internationally as an exciting public speaker and Bible teacher. He communicates the Catholic faith at a level that everyone can understand, taking theological truths and expressing them in a practical way. He is the creator of the popular Great Adventure Bible Study series, published by Ascension Press. Jeff received an M.A. in theology from Franciscan University of Steubenville. He also a regular speaker for Amazing Parish – an outreach that seeks to revitalize the Church by equipping her pastors and leaders with the training, resources and support they need to create vibrant and thriving parishes. To learn more, visit AmazingParish.org.

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