Today’s readings highlight resistance in listening to and acting upon God’s words. In the first reading, Jeremiah responds to the plotting of the Jews who had refused to obey God’s commandments. In the Gospel, we see the chief priests and Pharisees likewise refuse to believe in the words of Jesus, even though others recognized that He spoke with authority.

Resistance in listening to and acting upon God’s words are not just character flaws from these biblical stories. That same resistance is in each one of us. Resistance to God happens when we demand to have what we want when we want it and don’t allow for God’s grace and timing. Resistance happens when we make things and/or people more important than Jesus. Resistance happens when we pick and choose what commandments or tenets of faith to follow. These examples of resistance show that we are living discipleship on our own terms.

Lent is a perfect time to reflect on the ways that we are resistant to listening to and acting upon God’s words in our lives. What attachments in your life lead you away from God’s word? Which of your habits need to be more God-centered? What area of your life and your heart do you need to open to Jesus?

This lent, dig deeper and allow Jesus to speak with authority in your life. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the area in your life that needs to be open to God. Then choose to act differently. Jesus wants to transform our hearts and set us free this Lent. That is only possible if we surrender our resistance, hear God’s words and act in new ways. Do you want to be transformed and set free?

Eden Foord is the Founder/Director of SPIRITUS Ministries.  Eden forms young adults to be missionaries for Catholic youth.

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  1. Yes please i want to be transformed and be set free
    I want my heart and soul be filled with the Holy Spirit..please God forgive me for being resistant to you all these years.

    Thank you for the WORD.


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