The Third Day of Advent: “The Spirit of the Lord Shall...

These words, written by the prophet Isaiah, point to Jesus who, when baptized by John, was confirmed by the Holy Spirit as the Christ...

Let Go to Make Room for the King to Be Born...

An Advent Reflection by Jennifer Baugh from Young Catholic Professionals for December 11, 2017.

Why Don’t We Like To Admit We Have Sinned?

An Octave of Christmas Reflection for December 28, 2017.

The Immaculate Conception: Undo The Knots in Our Hearts

Today's Feast of the Immaculate Conception is a celebration for everyone, a celebration of God's perfect intention for every human person. Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI...

The Twenty-third Day of Advent: What’s Your Hurry?

What sort of hurry are we in? What has us rushing about doing many things? Do we know if we are coming or going?...

Troubled and Abandoned, Like Sheep Without a Shepherd

When confronted by the overwhelming amount of suffering in this world, how can we act as instruments of God's mercy?

Bring the word joyful back into style

Do you ever think about living a moral life as a burden? I’ll be honest, sometimes I do. Maybe it's just because we all...

The Double Crown of Virginity and Martyrdom

An Advent Reflection by Fr. Ian VanHeusen for December 13, 2017.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! Enjoy this glorious day with a reflection by St. John Chrysostom as we begin this Christmas season!

The Cost of Loving Christ

An Octave of Christmas Reflection by Becky Roach for December 26, 2017.