“Daddy, I want…” My kids repeat this phrase about a thousand times over the course of the day. Most of the time, once they get what they asked for, they’re looking around to see what the others got. This usually results in throwing their item on the ground and asking for whatever that other child got. Drives me nuts! The craziest part is that in enduring this, and I mean enduring, I’ve come to notice how often I practice this in my own life.

Today’s Gospel from John 5 made me think of this; that when we are so focused on the object we desire, we miss what’s right in front of us. I love this image of the ill man at Bethsaida. He’s so close to the pool that a well-timed sneeze could knock him right in. However, because of the state of his heart, his needs are much deeper than just physical health. He has become so inwardly focused on the depths of his suffering that he sees nothing else but what he perceives will satisfy his most immediate desire. Jesus asks him, “Do you want to be well?” You would think he’d say, “Yes, of course I do.” I’d even settle for a “Holy Cow! It’s Jesus!” But, no. He immediately points the finger at how no one cares about him, how he has no one to help him. “Everyone else has what they need, yet poor, poor me. I’m stuck here with no one to care for me. What about my needs, Jesus?” (Sounds like something I’ve said many times in prayer). He was so wrapped up in his physical needs that he had forgotten his spiritual needs.

The Lord’s response following that moment is just great. He ignored the selfishness of the ill man who was unable to rejoice in the healing of others. He ignored the inward focus that made this man’s heart barren and cold. Jesus granted him the healing he so desperately desired. At this point in the story the man still doesn’t know, and you could argue doesn’t even care, that he was just healed by the Messiah! He walks away carrying his mat; and when questioned as to why, he says some guy healed him. It isn’t until Jesus encountered him again that he shared not only what happened to him, but Who made it happen for him. Jesus removed the physical illness so that He could speak to this man on a deeper level, creating a space for relationship.

The Lord is approaching us, in our illness, and asking “Do you want to be well?” How are we responding? Are we inwardly focused and missing who’s approaching us? Are we focused on pointing the finger at other people’s journey with Him? Are we ready to proclaim what has happened to us and Who has made these miracles happen for us? Let our prayer this day be “Abba, I want to be well.” Our Lord is near and desires to be nearer still.

Jonathan Alexander is the Vice President of Missions for Adore ministries.  He and his wife have 4 children, youngest making their debut in August and live in the greatest city in Texas – Houston.  He is the author of the viral pamphlet – “Jesus cares about your socks”

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  1. lord take care of my family especially my grandson and niece and deliver them from satan and all evil spiirits that roam the world.thanks for answered prayers. amen and amen.

  2. As I read today’s Gospel I was struck by the lack of gratitude from the man healed as to not even know who healed him. Sometimes in our own self-inflicted misery we call out to God “Why me?” and to take away our pain and when he does we forget that our prayer was answered and go and sin again. This reflection on this lesson makes it so very clear. Thanks be to God for prayer answered and for all the blessing that we ourselves take credit.

  3. Lord Jesus I claim your promises, You have said,” that you are the way, the truth and the life, that no one comes to the Father except through you and the truth will set us free. Lord Jesus I truly believe that your are the the Truth ,and that you are faithful to your promises and you will set us free from tribulations and difficulties of this world.Lord Jesus save our lives, save our souls, save our whole being.Amen.
    Thank you Lord Jesus for answered prayers.Lord Jesus I consecrate to you,my entire self, my children, my siblings and their families. Most Sacred Heart of heart I trust in you.Amen


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