Today, my to-do list included: processing healthcare bills, prepping dinner, taking care of a sick child, comforting a just vaccinated baby, taking my 4-year-old to the dentist, attending several meetings, completing a number of work assignments….and laundry, lots of laundry (yet to be done).

It’s the life of a work-at-home-mom and I love it. But I’ll admit that when I rolled into the coffee shop child-free at about 4 p.m. to finally get some focused work done, I ordered some food even though one of my chosen Lenten observances was not to eat out. I just hadn’t fit lunch in yet. You wouldn’t think giving up eating food out wouldn’t be that hard, but here I am, admitting my weakness.

And while I’ll redouble my Lenten efforts tomorrow, I think I can learn from this moment, especially in light of today’s readings. First, we see Queen Esther, begging for help from the Lord–because she realizes she can do nothing without Him.

Then, in the Gospel, we learn that this is a good thing: to recognize our dependence on the Lord and ask for His help. If we wanted the door to be opened to us and to receive good things from the Lord, we must first come to Him with our needs.

Whether it’s the strength to juggle a busy day, the forbearance to continue our Lenten fasts, or the wisdom to know what decisions to make, the Lord makes us an incredible promise. He tells us He will answer us when we ask for his help; for if we can be generous with others then “how much more will your heavenly Father give good things to those who ask him.”

Caitlin Bootsma is a wife, mother of three, and the Communications Director at Fuzati, an innovative technology and strategic marketing firm serving a wide variety of Catholic institutions and ministries.

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  1. Hope you have time to to take for yourself. I am exhausted just reading all you have going for today. I raised 4 children by myself and thankful they are all grown…Thank you for taking the time to share God’s work…


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