There have been countless moments in my life when I have looked up from my slow crawl to holiness and realized I have actually wandered down a never-ending path towards “perfection.”  I can get so caught up in doing better, being right, and avoiding mistakes that I forget my destiny is not something to accomplish, but someone to meet. I am not called to success. I am called to Christ.

Scripture contains story after story that reminds us of this simple truth. Today’s Gospel is one of those stories for me. When Jesus chooses to dine at Levi’s table, He is demonstrating that all he really wants is us. He doesn’t want our hallow good deeds and our cleanest demonstrations of love. He wants our whole sinful self, ready or not. He wants to dine at my messy kitchen table, and then invite me to His bountiful one.

What a relief that is! Instead of feeling pressure to succeed and earn heaven, I can rest in a love that reaches into my lack. All I have to do is keep my eyes on Him, abide in his goodness, and follow. Then, if we are truly taking in and accepting God’s love, God’s ways, and God’s truth, it’s inevitable that we will begin to reflect Him. It’s not about doing all the right things to prove something. It’s about being Christ so that others can meet him too.

Emily Blasdell is the VP of Operations for Adore Ministries, a community of Catholic lay missionaries based out of Houston, TX. When not tackling her never ending work to-do list, she enjoys adding to her ever growing DIY/craft list.

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  1. So beautiful and consoling…to know that it isn’t always about perfection….I am so enjoying these little meditations showing up in my mailbox each day. Thank you

  2. I wish to convey my sincere thanks for all the catholic information that I can read and understand more of mthe Catholicv religion

  3. This is refreshing to read. I get so wrapped up sometimes in wondering if I’m doing or not doing enough on the way to heaven. Usually I end up just dwelling on faults and failures. This reminds me that it’s not about me,but about Christ. Thank you.

  4. It’s always good to be reminded about
    our spirituality. We have to pause for
    awhile from our day-to-day task to
    reflect and be refreshed. Thanks for


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