Please comment below to leave your prayer request. As your request will be prayed for, please also pray for the petitions of others! Remember in your prayers, those in purgatory, all those suffering around the world, and for the intentions of the Pope! Lord, hear our prayer!

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  1. Dear Virgin Mary, our Loving Mother, We pray for our brother Steve Lim’s speedy recover from his present state of health. He is at the Singapore National University Hospital Ward 41 bed 23 and underwent a surgery to remove the cancer and lymph nodes. Unfortunately whilst removing the lymph node behind the collar bone, the duct near the lymph node was damaged thus causing fluid to leak out. We pray for the leaking duct to be sealed by Lord Jesus Christ miracle healing. We pray that all the diseased cells in our bother Steve Lim’s body are removed and never to return ever again. We pray you give our brother strength. Dear Lord, our miracle healer and Savior, please intercede with Almighty God and answer our prayers. Virgin Mary, please intercede with Christ our Lord with our Almighty God. ?

  2. thank u jesus mary and St joseph and all the angels and saints for protection and giudance and health during this stressful period .intercede for the souls in purgatory and all those who have no one to pray for them. i trust in u o jesus .increase my faith and let today and every day be kept under your powerful hand, amen amen and amen.

  3. Dear God, Please hear my prayers for a healing and release of my anxiety.Please help me today. Please keep my family safe as they travel to see my mother in law whose nearing her homecoming. Bring them all safely home to me
    Please surround my home with the white healing light of the holy spirit and protect all within its walls. Please ease my motherinlaw and fatherinlaw suffering. Please ease all who are suffering fearful,sick and lonely today..Praying my illness is not serious and am.better soon to be present for my husband
    Please continue to keep my family and me safe from all evil and those who would cause harm to us all. Thank you God for all your blessings. Amen

  4. Heavenly Father, guide me in all things to be done and show me the correct path to follow. Please also pray for the soul of my Mother who departed from earth. Pray also for the souls of my Father, Brother and other relatives. In Jesus name, Amen.

  5. Heavenly Father I pray that in your mercy I will be cancer free and able to do your work here on earth. Nothing is impossible with God! Amen

  6. lord jesus sna po mtpos n problema ko s mga gmot risdin n green rivotril syclop xanor serenace akineton ziproc tolanz altrox lupilan akidin abdin vit ni kuya emil pls sna wg n po un gmulo s isip ko pls sna wla n bmulong kalain bakekang panget pg umiinom ako gmot umaga at gabi pls sna wg n tmambay s lbas cla gami aldrin chris kalbo pls sna tmhmk n pristina pls sna wg n kmi mgkailangan ni pyt pls sna wg n rn sna sya mglakwatsa sna umuwi n sya maaga plgi pls sna wg nko mlgsan ng ngipin kht kelan pls sna wg nko mhilo mtrnta matense kht kelan pls sna wg nko guluhin ng taong nkkslmuha ko pls sna mgnda araw ko plgi pls sna mklipat nko trece pls sna ready nko sna mkbyd kmi monthly trece pls sna mloan release n haus trece pls sna mgswa nmn kkalakwatsa cla pyt at manas pls tska nlng pglipat ko trece pls sna mtgl p mgpbkod c kalbo pls sna wg n rn sna sya mgitara lbas nla pls sna wg n rn sya mgybng kotse nya lbas nla pls sna mka di out ako pg umiinom ako gmot o vit aalis man ako o hndi pls sna nxt yr p swimming nla pyt at manas pls sna mkmove on nko buhay ko pls sana tmhmk n pristina pls sna s tmang panahon p alis ni kuya emil pls sna ptwd po s lht ng kslanan ko tnx amen

  7. Please in this new month of May ,Blessed Mother May I be the Better person I desire to be in every aspect of my Life.HEAL MY LIFE Literally and figuratively speaking.Help me to b successful at all my endeavors.Help me to be a BLESSING to all my Loved Ones in whatever way they need me to be.Help me to have a BLESSED,Healthy,Happy ,Long LOVING (Physical and Emotional Marriage to my Beloved.May I also have Financial Peace to pay off my Home and to repair it,and have extra money to spare for other needs.Bless you and AMEN❤?????!!!

  8. Père d’infinie bonté, Dieu tout-puissant, Toi qui es l’Alpha et l’Omega et qui permet le déroulement de toute chose, en dehors de Toi il n’y a point d’autre dieu car Toi seul es Seigneur, je t’implore de bien vouloir, par l’intercession efficiente de la bienheureuse Marie, reine vierge et sainte, m’accorder la grâce d’acquérir mon visa à temps et d’effectuer le voyage par lequel je pourrais Te servir d’ambassadeur et porter haut la grandeur de Ton nom puisqu’Abba Tu m’as pourvu du don du chant que je voudrais par cette opportunité inouïe, Te consacrer et pour lequel je viens requérir Ta sanctification. Je te supplie de même, ô mon doux Jesus, de bien vouloir accueillir dans Ton royaume l’âme de mon regretté cousin Bertin Nouaga afin que purifié de tous ses péchés, il puisse aussi être une source jaillissante par laquelle toutes Tes graces nous parviendraient. Dans ton incommensurable pitié Seigneur, exauce-nous

  9. Lord I ask that you cure McKenna Mae Voss of her leukemia and prevent it from ever returning to her body. I also ask that you protect my children Austyn and Connor along with Mckenna’s little sister Eva from ever getting cancer or any deadly disease. Thank you. Amen

  10. Lord Jesus Christ we praise you for all the wonderful things you have done to us in our lives. As we journey on this life we have challenges and problems we encounter but we do not worry because you are our always at our side. With this faith, our family would like to ask for the healing of our Son Raphael Jesus Vidal on his autism and may he speak and act just like a normal child and as he grow may we teach him to serve and love. We also ask for all the healing of our fellowmen and other family members that You extend your loving hands to touch every part of their Life and body that needs healing. Lord please bring peace to our families and the whole world. Lord we ask all of this in the mighty name of our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

  11. Thank you, Lord, that I will soon have a good new home and that I can feel safer and more comfortable there. Grateful to be able to leave my current stressful situation. Praying that the transition be smooth and that I be able to do the work needed in a timely way with as little stress as possible. Thank you for taking M out of my life. Help her in the long run to get the help she needs and to truly be well and healthy emotionally in the long run. It has been such a burden having her in my space and I pray to let go of my exasperation with her and to be able to move on and genuinely wish her well. Praying for her to learn and challenge herself emotionally and to grow and have the professional help she needs to do so. I pray that others won’t be affected by her toxic behavior and that she can learn to break out of her dysfunctional patterns.
    Thank you, Lord, for new opportunities for me and may I move on in peace and enjoy the new things to come. Amen


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