Does God Hear Your Prayers If You’re in a State of...

Some say that if you're in a state of mortal sin, your prayers go unanswered by God and "do nothing." Is this really true?

Catholic History: The Earliest Sources for How the Eucharist Was Celebrated

Is our celebration of the Eucharist the same today as it was in the earliest days of the Church?

7 Secrets Catholic Exorcists Want You To Know

In this episode of The Catholic Talk Show, the guys are joined by Charles Fraune, author of the book “Slaying Dragons”, to discuss exorcism, demons, blessed and cursed items, and other secrets that Exorcists want everyone to know.

The Index Librorum Prohibitorum: When the Church Had a List of...

Texts on the "List of Prohibited Books" were deemed heretical or contrary to morality, and thus a Catholic had to ask for permission to read them.

How a Saint That Died Almost 800 Years Ago Became the...

Why was Saint Clare of Assisi, who lived nearly 800 years ago, named the patron saint of television by Pope Venerable Pius XII in 1957?

Three Black Holy Ones Everyone Should Know About

A Black Catholic’s Reflections On Three Black Holy Ones Everyone Should Know About

Did You Know? Why Cardinals Owe Their Name to the Church

Their distinctive, bright red plumage is reminiscent of a cardinal's cassock - it's no coincidence they share a name.

Benedict XVI Was the Second Pope to Abdicate the Papacy, but...

Before Celestine V abdicated the papacy, popes didn't have the authority to resign. He formally decreed the right of resignation and promptly exercised it.

The Real Island Where Saint Paul the Apostle Was Shipwrecked At

Saint Paul's Island, also known as Selmunett, is where the apostle was shipwrecked at while on his way to Rome to face charges.

What Did The Saints Give Up For Lent?

It’s that time of year when all Catholics start to think about what they will give up for Lent. Many will choose chocolate or social media or alcohol.